Beyond Lockdown: Back to Work but not before Training…

Have your employees been participating in training and development during their furlough leave? It is not too late to introduce an effective professional development scheme for employees to feel motivated and sharpen their skills whilst furloughed from work. Perhaps you were not aware that employee training is permitted during furlough. With the quick pace of government updates as the coronavirus situation develops, it can be a challenge to keep up…
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Is workplace surveillance right for your business?

There is a crucial element of trust in an employer-employee relationship. For example, you trust the employee to come to work and complete the tasks you have set for them to the required standard. Whilst they trust that you will treat them fairly and pay them correctly…
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10 Reasons why you should invest in Staff Computer Training…

Are you a business owner or head of department not knowing whether to invest in staff computer training or to ditch the budget & use elsewhere? The arguments ‘for’ below will leave you and your business in doubt that training is good for business!
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First aid in the workplace – what you need to know…

People can suffer injuries or be taken ill at any time – and this could be staff or your customers. It doesn’t matter if injury or illness is work or environment related, you should offer immediate attention – and call an ambulance if necessary. You should make arrangements to ensure this happens – it can save lives and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones…
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Leadership & management training – an expensive waste of time?

Training is perceived as an expensive luxury, and often the first cost to be cut when cash flow gets tough. The familiar phrase Training is a Luxury Not a Necessity may strike a chord with many business owners who have seen staff return from the latest fad course, pumped up from the great stuff they’ve learned, only to end up in the routine drudgery of their day job – finding nothing has changed in the business and the training manual lost for ever in the dust of the bottom 1

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