If your business has been interrupted as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, we know that you may be eager to reopen or scale up operations as soon as possible. Perhaps you have already been in touch with employees about their return to work since the recent ease in lockdown restrictions?
Continue reading Beyond lockdown: Do employees fear returning to work?
Tag: Health & Safety
5 Reasons why Health and Safety is Vital to SMEs…
Workplace accidents can, unfortunately, happen across every industry and in every organisation. Last year, work-related illness and injury cost UK businesses over £15 billion with 28.3 million working days lost to work-related ill-health. For small businesses, the cost of health and safety incidents can severely impact the success, profit and resources of the organisation. However, 39% of SMEs say that health and safety ‘just feels like paperwork’. So, how can SMEs realise the benefits and importance of health and safety within their organisation?
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3 Easy Steps to Health & Safety Compliance…
Most small business do not see Health and Safety as high on their list of priorities, they use excuses such as we don’t have time to worry about Health and Safety in our workplace or we don’t know what to do or we’ve never had an accident in all the years we have been trading so we are ok!
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First aid in the workplace – what you need to know…
People can suffer injuries or be taken ill at any time – and this could be staff or your customers. It doesn’t matter if injury or illness is work or environment related, you should offer immediate attention – and call an ambulance if necessary. You should make arrangements to ensure this happens – it can save lives and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones…
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How Do We Manage Health and Safety Risks in the Workplace?
It’s a question often asked of health and safety consultants, and it begins with the risk assessment. Conducting a health and safety risk assessment is a requirement of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 as amended in 2003 and 2006. More than that, it is an opportunity to improve and strengthen your business.
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Health, Safety and Environment…
Health, safety and environment… three little words that often bring out all sorts of negative reactions in people, ranging from dread and fear to anger at the thought a health, safety and environment professional is going to tell you, you are doing your job wrong!
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