Coronavirus has revolutionised how we do business…

The pandemic pivot game – to stick or twist with your new business model…
Coronavirus has not just changed the way we live our lives, it has revolutionised how we do business. Some of this commercial adaptation is permanent, while other revisions may only be temporary. Some will only work in the short term, others may have much longer term benefits…
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Leadership & management training – an expensive waste of time?

Training is perceived as an expensive luxury, and often the first cost to be cut when cash flow gets tough. The familiar phrase Training is a Luxury Not a Necessity may strike a chord with many business owners who have seen staff return from the latest fad course, pumped up from the great stuff they’ve learned, only to end up in the routine drudgery of their day job – finding nothing has changed in the business and the training manual lost for ever in the dust of the bottom 1

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