We start the year off with a few helpful hints to ensure your business is in the best shape for whatever 2022 throws at the commercial world. Omicron might turn out to have been over-egged, but there could also be more troublesome variants down the track. Supply chains may or may not return to normal and high inflation may turn out to be sticky, rather than only a transitory blip…
Continue reading Is your Business ready for 2022?
Tag: survival
What are you doing during the next five weeks to ensure your business comes out of ‘Lockdown 2.0′ in good shape?
As we head towards the second lockdown for England of 2020, many people will be fearful of losing the businesses they’ve built, some over many years. I want to share some of the things you might think about doing during the next five weeks to ensure your business comes out the other side in good shape…
Continue reading What are you doing during the next five weeks to ensure your business comes out of ‘Lockdown 2.0′ in good shape?
5 Proactive steps to managing your business survival…
If you’re a small business owner, you might be feeling particularly overwhelmed at the moment, trying to figure out what the Coronavirus pandemic means for you and your business. You’re certainly not alone. Many small businesses are vulnerable and business owners are facing difficult decisions, with real concerns about how their businesses will survive this unforeseen and unpredictable crisis…
Continue reading 5 Proactive steps to managing your business survival…