We start the year off with a few helpful hints to ensure your business is in the best shape for whatever 2022 throws at the commercial world. Omicron might turn out to have been over-egged, but there could also be more troublesome variants down the track. Supply chains may or may not return to normal and high inflation may turn out to be sticky, rather than only a transitory blip…
Continue reading Is your Business ready for 2022?
Tag: Strategy
Coronavirus has revolutionised how we do business…
The pandemic pivot game – to stick or twist with your new business model…
Coronavirus has not just changed the way we live our lives, it has revolutionised how we do business. Some of this commercial adaptation is permanent, while other revisions may only be temporary. Some will only work in the short term, others may have much longer term benefits…
Continue reading Coronavirus has revolutionised how we do business…
The Romney Marsh Networking Group & How it Was Successfully Launched…
The Romney Marsh Networking Group was launched in early October 2017 and in 6 months has resulted in over 130 members of our Facebook page – a mix of established businesses, charities and start ups! Our ‘opted in’ email list is approaching 120 organisations and regular newsletters detailing group and local events and member promotions are produced accordingly. Short 2 hour, low cost workshops are about to be launched which address member and local business skills needs. We meet regularly face to face for networking over coffee, breakfast and ‘after hours’ according to our individual members preferences!
Continue reading The Romney Marsh Networking Group & How it Was Successfully Launched…