High growth using technology…

It’s a good feeling when your business grows. But growth can also lead to unforeseen problems. Effective use of technology is the foundation of many successful business growth strategies. Yet finding and implementing the appropriate technology solutions can often be a challenge…
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What Is ISO 9001 – Quality Assurance?

A good definition of Quality Assurance is “the maintenance of a desired level of quality in a service or product, especially by means of attention to every stage of the process of delivery or production”.

ISO 9001:2015 (and previous versions) is the internationally recognised standard defining the key clauses a business or organisation must meet to become certificated. How the organisation meets these clauses is recorded and documented within its Quality Management System.
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Change your Mindset…Focus your Actions…Grow your Business!

Here’s a challenge for you: stand in front of a mirror and look at the person facing you.

Do you see someone who is crystal clear about what they want from life and from their business or someone shrouded in a haze with no clear vision of where they want to go?

Do you see someone who is driving the business forward or someone being dragged along in a meandering ride, occasionally forwards but often backwards or sideways on a distraction?


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