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Essex: Join the FREE Peer Network Programme - Group2Grow!

The Group2Grow Peer Network Programme is coming back to Essex in Autumn 2023, to connect more business people together to create solutions and learn new skills.

Group2Grow peer groups bring together cohorts of business professionals to learn, grow, and solve common problems using each other’s knowledge and experience, with the support, guidance, and mentoring of a Business Coach.

Over 8 x 2 hr group sessions and 3 hours of individual 1:1 sessions with an expert mentor we will through discussion and discovery, uncover the challenges faced by your business and work together to find logical and practical solutions.

We recognise that businesses are unique, and that whilst challenges may be shared, there is no magic algorithm for solutions. We use our collective experience and that of our group members to work together to find the ideal solutions for you and your business.

Find out more about the programme and register!
By Christie Bristow-Diamond from Let's Do Business Group, 8 months ago.

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